Belgrave South Baptist Church

We are a friendly church in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, located at the southern side of the Dandenong Ranges.


We exist to glorify God by being a loving, caring family, bringing people to faith and maturity in Jesus Christ, equipping and supporting them for ministry and mission here and abroad.

Our Vision: To be moved by God’s Spirit to go deeper in our love for our Lord, one another and the community.
Message to Visitors

We warmly welcome you as you come to worship Jesus with us. Whether you are visiting us or looking to stay, it’s great to have you with us. The only thing we want you to do is relax.

If you want to find out more about the church, please complete our Welcome Card given out at a service, talk to a Pastor, or contact the church office on 9754 8211.
Pastoral Care:

If you or your family require Pastoral care, please contact our Pastor at the Church Office.
Emergency Prayer Needs:

Phone the Church Office during office hours, outside office hours please contact the pastors and the ‘prayer tree’ will be alerted of your need.

Church/religious organization